Locust Valley Cemetery Financing Options
Credit Cards Accepted and we offer NO-INTERST Extended Payment Plans
We accept credit cards, VISA, Mastercard and American Express for up to 100% of the purchase price of a grave, Memorial Garden plot or Columbarium niche.

For pre-arrangements, Locust Valley Cemetery provides NO-INTEREST convenient financing as outlined below:
An initial down payment of 25% is required toward the purchase price of a grave, memorial garden plot or columbarium niche. If you choose this option, you will receive monthly statements toward your outstanding balance with payments of 10% of the original purchase due by the first of each month.
In the event a purchaser does not satisfy a monthly payment after 10 days, the Locust Valley Cemetery Association has the right to cancel the Deposit Agreement and retain any payments made by the buyer. Once your final payment has been received, you will be issued a Certificate of Sale. For a please call 516-676-5290 or email: William Simons at
For no-obligation inquiries,payment options and a current schedule of prices, contact William Simons, General Manager, or Edward Simons, Superintendent at (516) 676-5290 or email at
A Perpetual Care Endowment
Note: Plot holders become members in the Locust Valley Cemetery Association which provides perpetual care and maintenance of your site, supported by our Perpetual Care endowment. Interest earned by this endowment finances extraordinary care to your lot. Based on New York State law, the principal of the endowment can never be violated.